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Lao Rai (Traveller), 2010
400 x 80 x 115cm, mixed materials
400 x 80 x 115cm, mixed materials

Lian Nain (Storyteller), 2010
100 x 10 x 160cm, mixed materials
100 x 10 x 160cm, mixed materials

Hili batar (Picking corn), 2003
130 x 60cm, mixed media: wood, corn, acrylic, shellac and traditional East Timorese basketry
130 x 60cm, mixed media: wood, corn, acrylic, shellac and traditional East Timorese basketry

Silensiu folin hira? (Silence, at what price?), 1996
2 x 1m, mixed media: metal sculpture, wood, wire and tais (traditional East Timorese woven cloth)
2 x 1m, mixed media: metal sculpture, wood, wire and tais (traditional East Timorese woven cloth)

270+ Massakre Santa Cruz nian (270+ The Santa Cruz Massacre), 1996
3.5 x 3.5m, mixed media: metal sculpture and cloth
3.5 x 3.5m, mixed media: metal sculpture and cloth

Dislocation, 1992 (in collaboration with David Jones)
Room installation, mixed media: newspaper, glue, earth, rope
Room installation, mixed media: newspaper, glue, earth, rope
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